
Lost account access

As a part of its privacy policy, NoBleme will protect your anonymity as much as possible. This means that you will never be sent any emails that could be used to link you to your identity on the website, or asking you to provide your password. On top of that, automated password recovery systems can be used in a few nefarious ways that we would rather not have to deal with. With this context in mind, NoBleme decided to not implement an automated account recovery process.

If you have lost access to your account (forgotten username, forgotten password, or otherwise), the only way to recover that access is to go on NoBleme's NoBleme's IRC chat server and ask for a website administrator to manually reset your account's password. No need to worry about identity usurpation, there is a strict process in place that will allow the administrator to verify your identity before doing the resetting.




10 quotes from 2020
Quote #384 November 19th 2020 - Bad pitastrudl
>> pitastrudl: Like, wheelbarrows are just big iron cast pans tbh
>> Bad: pitastrudl: Landmines are just tiny cast iron pans.
>> Bad: Lifehack
>> pitastrudl: I mean yes
>> pitastrudl: You basically accelerate cooking to a mere second
>> pitastrudl: Just gotta catch the food in the air.
Quote #383 October 15th 2020 - Bad
>> Bad: Worst thing about having people over is not covid.
>> Bad: It's having to throw away the cumsock.
>> Bad: Possibly related: I have someone over in a few minutes and I just caused my nipple to bleed by keying myself somehow.
>> Bad: Can't tell if I'm serious because of the before phrases but I am and it's seeable through my shirt.
>> Bad: Fuck this is the stupidest way to panic.
>> Bad: Fuck.
>> Bad: How does one manage to key themselves over the nipple when trying to open a door I don't understand myself.
Quote #382 September 6th 2020 - Garner
>> frederic: Ida's parents' dog went crazy once, iirc because her dad farted.
Quote #381 August 31th 2020 - Bad Garner
>> frederic: When you take a train to get back home…
>> frederic: And then it decides to either go all the way to waterloo.
>> frederic: Or stop midway.
>> frederic: Never witnessed this here, totally standard in London.
>> Bad: Doesn't matter regardless since the train will get stuck in Whitton.
>> frederic: rofl
>> frederic: Fucking Whitton.
>> frederic: Also when the AC breaks and eveyrone is grinding on each other.
>> frederic: I was SO WARM once, was dying inside.
>> frederic: My leg fell in between the gap.
>> frederic: Hit my balls on the train thing.
>> frederic: Pretended all is ok.
>> frederic: Was fucking dying inside.
Quote #380 August 30th 2020 - 0x57 Bad
>> supakeen: I mean I 'broke' my home keyboard as well.
>> supakeen: By dropping a jug of orange juice on it.
>> supakeen: But then I repaired it.
>> supakeen: Though I will admit it took a while for all keys to be smooth again.
>> supakeen: But they are now.
>> Bad: supakeen: Why would you have orange juice near your keyboard though?
>> Bad: Recipe for disaster!
>> supakeen: I was being extremely, extremely dumb.
>> supakeen: I had this bottle of orange juice and had taken a huge swig.
>> supakeen: Then I was like 'mrm tastes off, whats the date on this' and the date was at the bottom.
>> supakeen: So .... yea.
Quote #377 July 18th 2020 - Garner
>> fredERIC: I smoked a4 paper many times
>> fredERIC: Thinking cigs were the same
Quote #374 June 16th 2020 - Bruce
>> Bruce: btw my dad is cool
>> Bruce: He bought me an ass shower today.
Quote #373 May 26th 2020 - 0x57 Bad Bruce
>> Bruce: So supakeen, tomorrow is the first human crewed SpaceX flight, you ready?
>> supakeen: Yes, I'm ready but it's 40% odds.
>> Bruce: Really?
>> Bruce: Tf
>> supakeen: Bruce: yes, weather is wild there.
>> supakeen: So there's 40% odds they can launch during the launch window for tomorrow at 22:33 our time.
>> Bruce: Oh.
>> Bad: Did you think it was odds of death?
>> Bruce: I did.
Quote #372 April 10th 2020 - Bad
>> Bad: Scared myself upon entering the bathroom.
>> Bad: Forgot overnight that I had shaved.
>> Bad: Actually thought there was a stranger in the room. No joke, made me panic.
Quote #371 January 19th 2020 - Bad
>> Bad: You joke but there's a dude in my high school who notoriously traded Mein Kampf for a handjob.