
Lost account access

As a part of its privacy policy, NoBleme will protect your anonymity as much as possible. This means that you will never be sent any emails that could be used to link you to your identity on the website, or asking you to provide your password. On top of that, automated password recovery systems can be used in a few nefarious ways that we would rather not have to deal with. With this context in mind, NoBleme decided to not implement an automated account recovery process.

If you have lost access to your account (forgotten username, forgotten password, or otherwise), the only way to recover that access is to go on NoBleme's NoBleme's IRC chat server and ask for a website administrator to manually reset your account's password. No need to worry about identity usurpation, there is a strict process in place that will allow the administrator to verify your identity before doing the resetting.



Administrative team

NoBleme's administrative team are a group of volunteers that ensure the smooth running of the website and its community by dealing with any potential issues that could arise within them. If you need their help with an issue - be it of a human or technical nature - you can ask for it through our IRC chat or through the website.

Moderators have full power over any content on the website that involves users: they can ban accounts, reset forgotten passwords, delete accounts, manage real life meetups, etc.

Adminstrators maintain the technical aspects of the website: they share the same powers as moderators, but can also manage the content of pages, close the website for maintenance, etc.

username title LATEST ACTIVITY Languages
Bad Administrator Yesterday
Exirel Moderator 261 days ago
moop Moderator 39 days ago
Planeshift Moderator A year ago
ThArGos Moderator 42 days ago