
Lost account access

As a part of its privacy policy, NoBleme will protect your anonymity as much as possible. This means that you will never be sent any emails that could be used to link you to your identity on the website, or asking you to provide your password. On top of that, automated password recovery systems can be used in a few nefarious ways that we would rather not have to deal with. With this context in mind, NoBleme decided to not implement an automated account recovery process.

If you have lost access to your account (forgotten username, forgotten password, or otherwise), the only way to recover that access is to go on NoBleme's NoBleme's IRC chat server and ask for a website administrator to manually reset your account's password. No need to worry about identity usurpation, there is a strict process in place that will allow the administrator to verify your identity before doing the resetting.




NoBleme on Twitter & Reddit

Published Friday, January 14th 2022 (3 years ago)

Following the release of NoBleme 4.0.0 a month ago (relevant devblog), a lot of work has gone into finishing touches and preparations for the next step.

Almost everything is ready now, it is time to take the leap.


Massive amounts of work is about to go into the 21st century compendium.

As a side effect, a lot of low quality content will be churned out in the coming days/weeks: nobody wants to browse an empty compendium, so the compendium needs to be filled out before I can begin publicly sharing its existence, even if it means starting with low effort content.

A private compendium area called "missing pages" allows me to track my plans for future content. As of right now, it already has drafts for 533 planned future pages, 220 of them being about memes, and 134 about sociocultural topics. There is a long term vision, but it comes with a focus on quality over quantity, so don't expect too much too fast.

All this to say, I apologize for the upcoming compendium related spam on IRC/Discord. It'll only be for a few days/weeks.

Twitter & Reddit

An unexpected turn of events for most I'm sure, NoBleme now has an official twitter account @badnobleme and an official subreddit r/nobleme. Please give them the customary follow/join/whatever.

Both of them will focus mainly on semi-automatically relaying 21st century compendium updates and major website news.

Their goal is simple: give people who aren't full time on IRC or Discord a way to follow updates, and as a side effect give NoBleme more visibility by allowing the public to share content through retweets and crossposts.


Following the cleanup of the 4.0.x chaos, NoBleme's roadmap is now much more clear.

You can give it a look at any given time if you want to know what's next, it's constantly kept up to date.

Previous devblog:
NoBleme version 4.0.0