
Lost account access

As a part of its privacy policy, NoBleme will protect your anonymity as much as possible. This means that you will never be sent any emails that could be used to link you to your identity on the website, or asking you to provide your password. On top of that, automated password recovery systems can be used in a few nefarious ways that we would rather not have to deal with. With this context in mind, NoBleme decided to not implement an automated account recovery process.

If you have lost access to your account (forgotten username, forgotten password, or otherwise), the only way to recover that access is to go on NoBleme's NoBleme's IRC chat server and ask for a website administrator to manually reset your account's password. No need to worry about identity usurpation, there is a strict process in place that will allow the administrator to verify your identity before doing the resetting.



IRC ChanServ

During your usage of IRC, you might end up dealing with channel management - either because you want to create and administrate your own channel, or because you have been named operator in an already existing channel and are faced with a situation where you need to use your operator abilities. A lot of these actions are done by sending messages to a special automated user called ChanServ, which is always present on the server.

You will find a list of ChanServ related commands below. When a word is between [brackets], then it means that its value can be anything you want and you should replace it with something else. For example, if given the command /kick channel [username], you should use it as /kick channel SomeUser.

Most of the commands listed on this page begin with /msg ChanServ. Depending on your IRC client, you might be able to shorten any such command by using /cs instead. For example, /msg ChanServ aop #[channel] list would become /cs aop #[channel] list.


Every user connected to an IRC server is identified not by their nickname (which can be changed at will), but rather by a unique string of characters called their hostmask. It uses the following format: username!user@host, where username is self-explanatory, user is a special name given by their IRC client, and host is a unique identifier for a specific person.

Based on the way hostnames work, if you are looking to identify someone (for example to permanently ban them from a channel), you should specifically look for the host part of their hostname, as the rest can be changed at will. Finding a user's hostname can be done by using the /whois [username] or /whowas [username] commands.

The asterisk * character can be used as a "wildcard" in a hostmask. For example, the hostmask SomeUsername!*@*.fr will match every user that goes by the username "SomeUsername" and has a host ending in ".fr". Here are more concrete examples that should help you better understand the concept:

Matches every user that goes by the exact username SomeUsername

Matches every user whose username contains SomeWord

Matches every user whose username begins with SomeWord

Matches every user whose host is precisely 123-456-789.something.com

Matches every user whose host ends in .something.com

Matches literally everyone, be very careful when using this

When you see the word [hostmask] between brackets later on this page, you should now hopefully understand what to input as a hostmask. If you don't get it, or if you are scared by the complexity, then don't hesitate to ask around: someone will surely help you out.

Operator abilities

Operator abilities can only be used in a channel in which you are an operator, and require you to be registered with NickServ and identified. You can find more about operator names, abilities, and symbols at the bottom of the vocabulary and symbols section of this FAQ, and more about account management on the NickServ section of this FAQ.

/msg ChanServ topic #[channel] [text]

Changes a channel's topic. Each channel has a short piece of text which everyone will see when joining the channel (or might permanently see while using the channel, depending on their IRC client). In most IRC clients, this command can be shortened to simply /topic, for example /topic This is a topic should work.

/msg ChanServ kick #[channel] [username]

Removes a user from the channel. They are free to rejoin the channel after being kicked. In most IRC clients, this command can be shortened to simply /kick, for example /kick SomeUser should work. An optional justification can be added afterwards, for example /kick SomeUser Please chill out.

/msg ChanServ mode #[channel] set +b [hostmask]

Bans a hostmask from the channel. Once banned, any user matching the hostmask will not be able to join or send messages on the channel anymore. If you kick them, if they leave the channel, or if they disconnect from the server, they will not be able to rejoin the channel until they are unbanned.

/msg ChanServ mode #[channel] b

Lists all hostmasks currently banned from the channel. This command might not always work. If it doesn't work, try simply typing /mode #[channel] b in the channel instead of the full command.

/msg ChanServ mode #[channel] set -b [hostmask]

Lifts a ban on a hostmask from the channel. Once unbanned, users matching the hostmask are free to join the channel once again.

/msg ChanServ mode #[channel] set +m

Sets the channel to mute mode: only voiced users and operators will be able to send messages in this channel as long as it is in mute mode. This is the best way to deal with attemps to flood a channel in order to render it unusable.

/msg ChanServ mode #[channel] set +v [username]

Gives voice to a user: they will gain the ability to send messages in this channel even while it is in mute mode.

/msg ChanServ mode #[channel] set -m

Removes mute mode, everyone in the channel can once again send messages.

Channel management

This section will list commands that you can only use if you are the founder or administrator of a channel (or looking to register a new channel), and require you to be registered with NickServ and identified. You can find more about operator names, abilities, and symbols at the bottom of the vocabulary and symbols section of this FAQ, and more about account management on the NickServ section of this FAQ.

/msg ChanServ register #[channel]

Registers a channel, making you its founder. Once you start growing the channel and have regular users and conversations, you might want to get it added to NoBleme's channel list.

/msg ChanServ set founder #[channel] [username]

Transfers founder status to another user. As there can only be one founder at a time in a channel, you will lose your founder status in the process.

/msg ChanServ vop #[channel] add [username]

Permanently gives voiced status to a user (the user will still be able to chat if the channel is set to mute mode). You can revoke this status by replacing add by del in this command.

/msg ChanServ hop #[channel] add [username]

Permanently gives halfop status to a user (the user will be able to kick other users). You can revoke this status by replacing add by del in this command.

/msg ChanServ aop #[channel] add [username]

Permanently gives operator status to a user (the user will be able to kick and ban other users and manage the channel). You can revoke this status by replacing add by del in this command.

/msg ChanServ sop #[channel] add [username]

Permanently gives admin status to a user (the user will be able to kick and ban users, manage the channel, and name or revoke the operator status of other users). You can revoke this status by replacing add by del in this command.

Channel modes

Some elements of channel administration are done through setting or removing "modes", special channel settings which materialize through the form of a single letter.

A channel mode is set through the command /msg ChanServ mode #[channel] +[mode], where [mode] is a letter from the list of modes below. For example, forcing users to register before accessing a channel would look like this: /msg ChanServ mode #myChannel +R.

Removing a mode from a channel is done the same way as adding a mode, except that the plus + sign before the letter representing the mode is replaced by a minus - sign. For example, instead of using +R in the previous example, you would use -R.

You can check which modes your channel currently has set by running the following command: /msg ChanServ mode #[channel]. You will find a list of useful modes below, be warned that capitalization matters: mode +m is not at all the same thing as mode +M.


Sets the channel to invite-only mode: the only way to join it is to be invited by someone who is already in it by using /msg ChanServ invite #[channel] [username], or to be on the invite list.

+I [hostmask]

Adds a hostmask to the invite list: they can freely join the channel even if it is set in invite-only mode.

+k [password]

Sets a password. The channel can only be joined by users who know the password, by adding it at the end of the /join command. For example: /join #myChannel somePass123.

+l [number]

Sets a maximum number of users who can be on the channel at any given time. Any extra users will be denied entry if they try to join once the channel has reached maximum capacity.


Sets the channel to mute mode: only voiced users and operators can chat.


Only users who have registered and identified their username with NickServ can chat in the channel.


Prevents users who are not in the channel from sending messages into the channel. This mode is enabled by default in every new channel and it is recommended that you leave it that way.


Only users who have registered and identified their username with NickServ can join the channel. Non-registered and/or non-identified users who are already in the channel will not get removed from it, but they would be unable to rejoin it if they were to leave or get kicked.


Makes the channel secret: it will not appear in the /list command, and will not show when using the /whois command on a user who is currently in the channel.


Only operators (including halfops) can change the channel's topic. This mode is enabled by default in every new channel, disabling it will allow any of the channel's users to change the topic at will.


Sets the channel to "conference mode". The automated messages displayed when regular users (non operators) join or leave the channel will not be shown to other regular users. This drastically reduces the amount of join/leave spam seen by regular users in bigger and more active IRC channels.