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Virgin, me?

Page type: Meme
Categories: Copypasta ; Francosphere
First appearance: June 2020

This page covers a topic which can be considered not safe for work

Thibaut isn't a virgin

The original screen capture of Thibaut's message.

In June of 2020, a person shared with the world a screenshot of a comment they received on a social network. In that message, a person named Thibaut felt the urge to brag that he wasn't a virgin, on a very defensive and rather ridiculous tone.

Below is Thibaut's message, in french :

Puceau moi ? Sérieusement ^^ haha on me l avait pas sortie celle la depuis loooongtemps 🙂 demande a mes potes si je suis puceau tu vas voir les réponses que tu vas te prendre XD rien que la semaine passee j ai niquer dont chuuuuut ferme la puceau de merde car toi tu m as tout tout l air d un bon puceau de merde car souvent vous etes frustrer de ne pas BAISER 🙂 ses agreable de se faire un missionnaire ou un amazone avec une meuf hein ? tu peux pas répondre car tu ne sais pas ce que c ou alors tu le sais mais tu as du taper dans ta barre de recherche "missionnaire sexe" ou "amazone sexe" pour comprendre ce que c etait mdddrrr !! cest grave quoiquil en soit.... pour revenir a moi, je pense que je suis le mec le moins puceau de ma bande de 11 meilleurs amis pas psk j ai eu le plus de rapport intime mais psk j ai eu les plus jolie femme que mes amis 😀 ses pas moi qui le dit, ses eux qui commente sous mes photos insta "trop belle la fille que tu as coucher avec hier en boite notamment!" donc après si tu veux

Here's an english translation, as faithful to the original as possible, grammatical mistakes included :

Virgin, me? Seriously ^^ hehe I hadnt heard that one in a loooooong time 🙂 ask my buddies if im a virgin youll see the answers youll get XD just the previous week I fucked so shuuuuush shut it you shitty virgin because you look like a good shitty virgin to me because your frustrated your not FUCKING 🙂 its nice to do a missionary or amazon with a chick isnt it? you cant answer becuz you dont no what it is or you do but you had to type in your search bar "missionary sex" or "amazon sex" to understand what it is lmaoooo!! its serious regardles.... to get back to me, I think I'm the least virgin dude in my group of 11 best friends not bcuz I had most intimate relationships but bcuz I had the prettiest women of my friends 😀 im not the one saying it, its them commenting under my insta pics "super pretty the girl you slept with yesterday at the club particularly!" so afterwards if you want

The conclusion of the message is missing: it ends where the screenshot ends. Some versions of the copypasta add an ending, but nobody knows the original ending.

The message's tone and Poe's law make it impossible to know whether it was serious or a parody. Whether it was a sincere expression of deep frustrations or a creative work of art, it didn't stop it from instantly becoming a popular meme on the French Internet.

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